Glad to announce here that I pass with commendation = merit.
Really didn't expect that after realising my dissertation lacks substance, and at the rate I snailed myself to the dateline, this must have been GOD's blessing.
So, many friends told me that I really should get another shot of my passport size photo. So many constructive comments. One even told me my previous photo doesn't look like me at all. *wth! that was unedited piece,k*
Someone also told me that, your look is your asset, therefore, please attach your best shot in your resume.
For the sake of my future, I headed out again, this time, I went to a shop I'm familiar with, snapped a few pictures, and the kind lady allowed me to choose whichever pics I want.
So, my final outcome....
( too much face looks so tanned....and I used wrong color on my cheek, coral! totally can't stand out, should have added red blush instead...damn! )
erm...looks almost the same as the pic u posted of ur self b4 this??...hmmm....
The photo looks ok wert... no worries ^^
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