
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My hair evolution....

I have been cracking my head these days, thinking of what's next to do with my hair.
See, I love making changes to my hair, from colour, to hairstyle....but now, I'm perfectly contented with long hair that goes messy whenever the wind blows.
Making drastic change to the hairstyle can be, as I view, a life threatening thing to do. One step goes wrong, you'll be in the hiding for the next 6 months.
When I was younger, I didn't mind taking risk. Now that I'm 23...I will need to think a lot. "Look" is undeniably vital these days. Sis has been pestering me to curl my hair. But then again, I have developed phobia towards curling my hair, as I did it once, and it was THE worst decision in my life!
I straightened my hair right after 3 months.
And this is how I look then....

As my hair grew longer and longer, I never thought of cutting it, for fear that I might need to straighten it again, as I'm not very fond of too "Penget" means, flat, hairstyle.

But as you can see...not cutting my hair, didn't mean it would grow out nicely. And it looks disastrous as days went by....
I had to tie it up instead, so that I won't look like I was having too out of place hair.

Then, I made my decision to have it snipped. Was just in time to head to Singapore for holidays then....

Then I got fed up with my hair. Natural hair, however straight it is, can never look as nice as straightened hair. So I was at my wits end, when I decided to cut that mob away.

If you take a close look at the pic below, and the one above, I actually went to trim it shorter again, after 2 months of having it short.

It grew...and look, I dyed it red then....

The colour was obviously wearing off a little...

And hair...grew...very very out of shape~

I had to tie it up, again!

Finally, I had to straighten choice.

It looks so awful back then...lesson to be learned - never straighten your hair, when it is just touching your shoulder.

It grew a little, but still, remained as flat as ever. That was when I told myself strictly, no more straightening for the rest of my life!

It turned out nicer and nicer as months flew by...

Finally, it look natural once more! I dyed my hair greenish brown!

And, the story repeated hair became out of shape again!

I snipped it shorter, but not too short. I had it slightly less layer, so that it won't look awful without straightening.

The last time I cut my hair...was a week before leaving for UK, which should be, if i remember clearly, Sep 2009. Now, you can guess, just how messy and fucking out of shape my current hair looks like.

I freaking can't wait to go home for a trim!
At least, to make it presentable. Whatever I'll do later on, that can be planned slowly.


danielchowtzeyoong said...

wei...y choose photo with me at the back...lookin so cacated summor......

Erny said...

Dan : yahor...never thought so..:-p..making you famous here lah..

DiWiMakeup said...

I totally feel you on making dramatic changes. Some days, I love my hair, other days I hate it for being so boring. What's a girl to do?!

Btw, I love how you posted transition pictures.

xo, Diana

Hayley said...

I've been thinking to make a change on my hair style lately. check out my blog:

i kinda like your short bob-alike hair.. but too bad i cant have such hairstyle as i have big and round face :(

danielchowtzeyoong said...

suggestion: u can comb straight ur hair instead of iron staight...then wont be so flat lo :)

Erny said...

Diwi: Thanks!!

Hayley: yup! I've read that before..true...wana make changes, gotta think A LOT!